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Simplify business operations with Kapital Bank's free API Portal

17:1018 Mart, 2024
  • A

The open API portal of Kapital Bank is developed using the best international practices in this field and is offered completely free of charge to businesses

The entrepreneurs and companies can integrate their system with Kapital Bank's API portal to save time by managing the following operations from a single source:

  • Authorization (You can get a token corresponding to your username and start using our products )
  • Domestic transfers
  • International transfers
  • Cashless currency exchange
  • Account and card information ( You can get information about your cards and account in Kapital Bank)
  • Deposits to cards (Using this API, you can replenish salary cards)
  • Card orders (Ordering cards directly from your own software)
  • POS information (Obtaining statements of your POS-systems)
  • E-commerce info (Obtaining your e-commerce statements)

It's worth noting that an API is a technological solution that facilitates mutual communication between different systems. APIs are actively used by several influential banks worldwide. If you also want to manage your Birbank Business operations in your own system, you can apply now.

For detailed information and to join, please visit: //



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