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Kapital Bank participated in Azerbaijan’s banking mission’s inaugural visit to the United States



25.04.2024, 18:29

Kapital Bank participated in Azerbaijan’s banking mission’s inaugural visit to the United States


The first visit of Azerbaijan’s Banking Mission to the United States took place in Washington, D.C., organized jointly by the Azerbaijan Banks Association (ABA) and the US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce. The mission aimed to facilitate the exchange of experiences in the banking and financial sectors. Among the participants was Farid Huseynov, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Kapital Bank.


Within the framework of the visit, practical sessions were held by the American Bankers Association (ABA) on establishing relationships between US banks and correspondent banks, sharing best practices in this field. Discussions also covered topics such as trade finance, emerging trends in the US banking sector, and current issues in the financial sector.


Kapital Bank, the country's first bank, is part of PASHA Holding. Kapital Bank has the largest service network in Azerbaijan with 117 branches and 53 departments all over the country. For more detailed information about the bank’s products and services, please refer to // website, 196 Call Centre or the bank’s various social network pages. To apply for a consumer loan visit //, for a Birbank installment card visit //