Баку 28°C
USD - 1.7010
EUR - 1.9120
RUB - 0.026
All the Presidents' Cars: World Leaders' Rides vs. Their Countries' Top-Selling Cars

All the Presidents' Cars: World Leaders' Rides vs. Their Countries' Top-Selling Cars

Страстная пятница в 2024 году: значение праздника, традиции и запреты

Страстная пятница в 2024 году: значение праздника, традиции и запреты

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23 Июль 2024
Легендарный азербайджанский певец ударил женщину топором
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Kapital Bank занимает первое место в рейтинге мобильного банкинга Азербайджана по версии Markswebb за 2024 год
28 Июнь 2024
FATF, Türkiye'yi gri listeden çıkardı! Artık yatırımların önü açık
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При партнерстве Kapital Bank в Баку прошла «Выставка по продвижению местных компаний»
25 Июнь 2024
All the Presidents' Cars: World Leaders' Rides vs. Their Countries' Top-Selling Cars
Сколько зарабатывает Путин: какой недвижимостью владеет, сумма на счетах
Завершено размещение долларовых облигаций Kapital Bank по подписке

Kim Jong un drives Putin during state visit to North Korea
В Азербайджане подорожает бензинСРОЧНО В НОМЕР
14 Июнь 2024
Kapital Bank offers advantageous options to customers with cash loans and credit cards from other banks
Выгодное предложение от Kapital Bank для клиентов с наличными кредитами и кредитными картами других банков
13 Июнь 2024
Kapital Bank Participates in Nakhchivan’s First “Career Fair”
При участии Kapital Bank в Нахчыване прошла первая «Выставка карьеры»

Birbank Business: making your business life comfortable and swift

12:5327 Февраль, 2024
  • A


Birbank Business offers online and fast services to create comfortable opportunities for businessmen. One of these opportunities is related to bank guarantees. Clients can now acquire a letter of guarantee for “Fast Tender” entirely online through Birbank Biznes, making the process more convenient and accessible for businesses.


The key benefit of this digital service is that there’s no need to spend time visiting a branch or getting in touch with a supervisor or bank staff. Entrepreneurs can apply for a guarantee through Birbank Biznes online. The system automatically generates the application form, which the client confirms with an ASAN signature. Following this, the client receives a letter online, streamlining the entire process.


Birbank Biznes’s “Quick Tender” product offers several advantages: the contract is made just once, and subsequent letters of guarantee are issued based on the application. The limit is provided without any commission, and there are no annual interest rates or commissions on the limit. A one-time fee is charged only upon receiving a letter of guarantee.


Birbank Biznes brings together many banking products that entrepreneurs use every day:


  • Guarantees: tender, performance, advance, quality, payment, customs, etc.
  • Tender limit
  • Cash secured guarantee
  • Business overdraft
  • Trade finance: factoring, sales financing, pre-shipment finance
  • Customs loan
  • Business mortgage
  • Financial leasing
  • Traditional loan/credit line


For more information about Birbank Biznes go to the website //birbank.business or call the 896 information center.




Kapital Bank offers advantageous options to customers with cash loans and credit cards from other banks
Kapital Bank Participates in Nakhchivan’s First “Career Fair”
При участии Kapital Bank в Нахчыване прошла первая «Выставка карьеры»

All the Presidents' Cars: World Leaders' Rides vs. Their Countries' Top-Selling Cars


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Kim Jong un drives Putin during state visit to North Korea
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