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All the Presidents' Cars: World Leaders' Rides vs. Their Countries' Top-Selling Cars

All the Presidents' Cars: World Leaders' Rides vs. Their Countries' Top-Selling Cars

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All the Presidents' Cars: World Leaders' Rides vs. Their Countries' Top-Selling Cars
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Emotional King Charles seen for first time since cancer diagnosis as Harry jets in to visit

22:0506 Февраль, 2024
  • A

King Charles has been pictured for the first time since news of his cancer diagnosis emerged and Prince Harry arrived the UK to visit him.

The King, 75, looked emotional and waved to crowds as he was driven in the State Bentley alongside Queen Camilla from Clarence House down The Mall to Buckingham Palace, where it is believed he will then taken by helicopter to Sandringham to continue his cancer treatment. It came soon after the Duke of Sussex was pictured back in the UK and entering Clarence House after catching a flight from California to visit his father, with whom he has a rocky bond.

His Majesty had told members of the Royal Family about his cancer news before going public with the news. Charles personally told both of his sons Prince William and Harry about his diagnosis. Harry, who was seen arriving in a car looking sombre and wearing a black T-shirt and blazer spent around 45 minutes with his father before Charles headed to the palace.

The monarch is now facing regular treatment for cancer after his shock diagnosis was uncovered during his recent hospital stay for a procedure on an enlarged prostate. The King, who has postponed all his public duties, has already begun his medical care as an outpatient under the supervision of his specialist team of doctors.

Buckingham Palace confirmed the King, who only acceded to the throne 17 months ago, does not have prostate cancer. Further details of his condition have not been disclosed, and the Palace, which announced the news in a statement at 6pm on Monday, asked for privacy and only confirmed it is a "form of cancer".

Charles was diagnosed after a "separate issue of concern was noted" and investigated while he was being treated for his benign prostate condition. Prince Harry cleared his diary to fly to the UK to be with his father despite their troubled relationship, raising concerns about the seriousness of the King’s health





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All the Presidents' Cars: World Leaders' Rides vs. Their Countries' Top-Selling Cars


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