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Birbank Business introduces “Maestro” tariff offering 65% discount

13:2422 Февраль, 2024
  • A

Birbank Business introduces “Maestro” tariff offering 65% discount  

The “Maestro” product, which combines Birbank Biznes' primary banking operations and offerings, is highly advantageous for business owners due to its cost-effectiveness.

With this innovative product in the banking industry of Azerbaijan, customers can now select the specific volume and variety of transactions and services that align perfectly with the unique needs of their business, allowing them to create their own tariff packages.

Entrepreneurs who opt for the Maestro tariff can enjoy discounts of up to 65% on their banking expenses compared to standard tariffs, on average.

It is essential to highlight that clients have the flexibility to create tariff packages according to their business needs through a range of specified operations and services, including:

  •         Domestic transfers in national currency
  •         International transfers
  •         Filling up salary cards
  •         Currency exchange
  •         Cash withdrawals from ATMs using business and entrepreneur cards
  •         Cash withdrawals via QR from current accounts
  •         Ordering and delivery of salary, business cards, and entrepreneur cards

The “Maestro” tariff offers a distinctive advantage to business owners: the option to use the product without the need to visit the bank. Instead, they can simply pay an annual service fee through Birbank Biznes.

Customers can also take advantage of a specific number of complimentary currency exchanges based on the banking services they select.

To get more information or to order the time and cost-effective “Maestro” tariff, please log into your account using the following link: //bir.bank/bbbmt, navigate to the “Maestro” section through the “Tariffs” menu. Alternatively, you can contact our information center at 896 for further assistance.




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