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Welcome Birbank Business’s  special “Welcome” campaign for new customers

16:3924 Aprel, 2024
  • A

Welcome Birbank Business’s  special “Welcome” campaign for new customers

As a part of this offer, new customers will have the opportunity to make commission-free transactions for domestic transfers, currency exchanges, and salary transfers up to 50,000 AZN within the first 30 days of opening their account. Those who take the advantage of this special campaign, which covers the dates from April 25 to May 25, 2024, will also receive gift salary cards.

Don't miss the opportunity to benefit from the campaign by opening an account through the following link: // 

We would like to point out that there are a range of services in Birbank Business that are regularly used by business owners.

-    Opening business bank accounts

-    Urgent transfers and transfers in national and foreign currencies

-    Cashless payments

-    Order, delivery and replenishment of salary and business cards

-    Application for the installation of a POS terminal, online tracking of POS transactions and receipt of statements

-    Document flow and mass signing of documents

-    Business loans and bank guarantees

-    Mobile POS, Click to Pay and e-commerce services

-    Open banking

-    Special tariff packages and more.

Birbank Biznes brings together many banking products that entrepreneurs use every day:

For more information about Birbank Biznes go to the website // call the 896 information center.



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